๐Ÿš€ Excited to celebrate my 3-month milestone as a Frontend Developer! ๐ŸŽ‰


2 min read

Reflecting on my 3-month journey, completing this milestone as a new developer has been an incredible learning experience. I vividly remember how challenging it was to dive into our company's vast codebase. At first, I found myself constantly seeking guidance from my team members, asking for direction on which files to modify. Additionally, I realized that there were several tech stacks I wasn't familiar with initially.

However, fast forward to today, and I am proud to say that I've come a long way in such a short period. I've gained a solid understanding of our codebase and can confidently navigate through it, identifying the appropriate files to make changes. My proficiency in writing test cases using Jest has also improved significantly. I can't believe I am using typescript. Moreover, I have been able to take on tasks in React Native, a technology that I had previously worked on only in smaller capacities.

While I celebrate my progress, I believe it's equally important to acknowledge areas where I faced challenges or fell short.

Firstly, achieving a work-life balance has proven to be difficult, as I find myself dedicated to work for the majority of my time.

Secondly, I have sought limited feedback from my mentors and seniors, with only a few opportunities for one-on-one discussions with my manager.

Additionally, I admit to neglecting the scrum board, which has impacted my visibility and collaboration with the team.

Lastly, I have struggled to find time for personal growth, such as focusing on my health and building my social media presence.

Moving forward, I am determined to make significant improvements in specific areas:

  1. Going beyond the abstraction layer: I aim to deepen my understanding of the underlying concepts and technologies we employ, allowing me to contribute more effectively and propose innovative solutions.

  2. Understanding the business: By familiarizing myself with the intricacies of our company's operations, goals, and market, I can align my development efforts with broader business objectives.

  3. Working on estimations to improve work-life balance: Through improved time management and better estimation of tasks, I am confident that I can achieve a healthier work-life balance, creating space for personal well-being and growth.

I am grateful for the opportunities and support provided by my team and the organization as a whole. As I continue to grow and evolve in my role, I am excited to tackle new challenges and contribute to the success of our company.

#ThreeMonthsCompletion #PersonalGrowth #LearningJourney #WorkLifeBalance
